Jak se maš?! Be prepared for another long as heck email haha. It's been a pretty eventful week here at the MTC. I mean...as eventful as the MTC can get haha.
There's been some protestors that keep standing right outside the MTC, and they like to talk to the missionaries as we walk by. Rather than talking to them, we just smile, wave, and yell "činte pokaní!!" They think that we're saying hi, but really we're telling them to repent. Gets them every time haha
I slaughtered all the elders at four square. They're scared of me now. It's chill. "She just slowly makes her way to the king spot and then destroys all of us."
Our zone more than doubled last week. We got 29 new missionaries, and I know none of them. The missionaries from our zone that we're close with leave in less than 2 weeks, and honestly the zone is gonna fall apart without them. Since the MTC is getting a huge amount of missionaries in the next few weeks, they're taking our classroom away from us and putting us in one of the old buildings. Everyone keeps calling it the dungeon, so we'll see how that goes. We're planning to go on strike and stage an MTC walkout until they give us our classroom back. I'll keep you updated on how that goes haha
The language is still going pretty well. We learned casing and past tense this week. Casing (basically conjugating for nouns and adjectives) isn't too hard, it just takes a little bit of time because I have to look at the case card and figure out what the correct ending is supposed to be. I feel like I haven't made much progress with the language in the last week though. My problem is I can look at a sentence and translate it on paper, but trying to do it quickly in my head and trying to interpret what other people are saying is a mess. It'll come though. Overall the language is still super fun.
Alright now for the highlight of the weekend. This week was the Mission President Seminar. So all of the new mission presidents were here this weekend for their training. That also means that the entire First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was here too. It was kinda cool to be walking and randomly pass one of them. On Sunday we got to have a devotional with all of them (Minus President Nelson and President Eyring), and Elder Holland spoke. He talked about the why behind our missionary purpose, and he tied it all back to the Savior. It was a super good talk. Having all of them here was a super powerful experience. I love those men so much and sustain them with all of my heart. They truly are called of God.
It was funny watching the MTC get prepped for the arrival of all the mission presidents. They were deep cleaning and painting everything, even random staircases that no one ever uses. One of the nights we got super fancy desserts, and we were all super confused until we realized they just gave us the leftovers from the mission presidents haha. But we did get Taco Bell and Chickfila all week for lunch. You really are blessed for serving the Lord haha
The ultimate highlight of the week was getting to meet our mission president and his wife. Our mission gets a new president in July, so he was here for training. They're super cool and super in tune with the Spirit. You could tell they really care about us, and they would come by our classroom everyday during their breaks just to say hi. I can't wait to serve with them.
Props to you if you made it this far in the email. My future emails will probably be way shorter from now on, but I'm not making any promises haha. I'm getting so stoked to get to the field and begin serving the people of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. If I'm this excited now I can't wait to see how excited I am on week 9. There's no other work I'd rather be doing right now. I'm probably happier now than I've ever been in my life, and it's all because of the work that I'm doing. I can't wait to get to the field and actually be a real missionary. These next 7 weeks better go by fast.
Love you all! Have the best week ever. Stay tuned for next week's installment of "Sestra Lewis pretends like the MTC is way more entertaining than it actually is."
Sestra Lewis
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