Tuesday, January 21, 2020

"Transfer 3, Companion...I've Lost Count"


Sooo this week was pretty insane. I've pretty much lost all hope for a normal transfer haha. I got my 7th companion! 

So on Thursday we got a call saying there was a mission wide emergency transfer because of Visa reasons. So all the Slovak speaking missionaries had to return back to Slovakia, and all the Czech speaking missionaries had to return back to the Czech Republic. So that means that my comp had to go back to Slovakia. So Friday was spent driving to Bratislava to drop her off and to pick up my new comp. It's been pretty rough for the whole mission. We're definitely all out of our comfort zones haha  It's been pretty hard and overwhelming, but I'm dealing with it pretty well. It'll be a good learning and growing experience.

My new comp is Sister Hodgson. She's from Washington. It's definitely a different feel than with my last comp, but it's still good. I'm still in UH, so that's great too. 

On Saturday, we went and did work at the orchard for the member again. That's always the highlight of my week. The member is always so excited for me to try new weird Czech food (mostly cause he likes to see me squirm haha), but this week he said he was going to take me to "Arizona in the Czech Republic." We drove up to this huge saloon restaurant. It was a little town/attraction thing that was all based on the wild west. It was pretty sick haha. 
This week the less active member that we visited the other week called us and asked us to come do service for her and then read from the Book of Mormon with her. That was way cool. I love doing service for people. She talked our ears off the whole time though. My brain was fried by the end of it. She also may or may not have taken her pants off in the middle of talking with us so she could show us her scars. Classic Czech grandma haha. 

That's pretty much everything that happened this week. We're both still recovering from everything haha. 

Spiritual Thought:

I read this quote the other day and thought it was pretty cool. 

"It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go."

I've talked about this before, but I just want to mention it again. A lot of times we can convince ourselves that if only our circumstances would change then we could be happy or have peace or [fill in the blank with whatever]. It's really easy to think that. But really the circumstance we are in isn't the main factor in determining whether or not we get those things. As we change our perspective and control our thoughts, we can adjust the sails and head in the direction we want to go, no matter what direction the wind is blowing. It might not always be easy, but the hard times are when you learn the most. 

That's all I've got for today. Sorry for the super short email. We have a pretty busy week this week, so hopefully next week's email will be a little better. Thanks for all the love and support! 

Sestra Lewis

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"Welcome Home!"