Tuesday, May 26, 2020

"When I Grow Up I Want to Narrate Turtle Fights"

It's been rainy for the past few days, so you know it's been a great week. So. Many. Miracles. 
The week started out with an invitation to be baptized. Except we were the ones being the invited. Some dude that I was messaging from Facebook invited me to be baptized. "Celá. Pod vodu." Hahaha it was weird being on the other end of that question. 

We saw a man listening to hard rock and blowing bubbles in the park at 7am. He's living life right haha. 

We caught a fly that's been flying around the office for a week, put it in a Tupperware, and left it on the elders desk for them to keep as an office pet. They let it go. :(

We met with another dude from Facebook last week. We met him again this week, but this time he brought a friend. Let's just say the whole lesson went like this: 

Us: *barely gets half a sentence out*
Friend: *starts flipping through his Bible to show us how we're wrong*
To be fair, he was really respectful about it, and it could have been a lot worse. He was really nice and a good dude, he just wanted to try proving us wrong. But hey. We prepped really well for that lesson. Even though we didnt get to give it, I can now give a lesson on the Plan of Salvation using verses from both the Bible and the Book of Mormon to back up each point. So it was a good lesson either way.

Highlight of the week: I got to go to my home away from home. I went back to UH for exchanges this week since the borders are still closed. I got to hang out with Sister Jeppsen all day (she's the coolest). I freaking miss Moravia, UH, and all the people there. It was so good to be back. We were able to go to a member's garden and help them harvest honey from their beehives. That night they did a neighborhood walk with some of the members, so I got to see all my favorite people again. We ended the night playing frisbee in a field with a ton of the members. Dang it was so good. I miss UH. 

We've been having a lot of success with Facebook finding! We have 3 new investigators this week and 1 new progressing investigators. So it's been way cool to get to teach. Learning to use Facebook to find and teach has been such a blessing. Miracles are coming in. 

For pday we went to Prague zoo. It was so chill. It was a rainy day and COVID time, so no one was there. It was a really cool zoo. Lots of animals. Lots of animal fights. You could see animals in an exhibit and look up and see a landscape of Prague right behind it. Also if you're ever bored, go to the zoo with 5 20 year old men. Its freaking hilarious. I've never seen a group of adults run so fast to see a polar bear hahaha. So entertaining. 

Spiritual Thought:

I just wanna testify of the importance of preparation. I've noticed a lot that when we put forth the effort to really prepare for a lesson that the lesson always ends up being led by the Spirit. But if there's a lesson that we don't prepare for as well it doesn't end up going as well. The Lord loves effort. As we put forth the effort to prepare and plan, the Spirit's gonna be there with us and help us. 

Thanks for tuning in to this weeks list of random things that went on. Miracles are happening. The work is going good. Thanks for all the love and support. All your prayers keep me going. 

Have the best week!

Sestra Lewis


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

"It Was Like A Family Reunion Only Better"


I blinked and all of a sudden we're starting the fifth week of the transfer. It was a pretty exhausting week, but it's cause it was so good. 

On Wednesday we had zone conference! I got to see all my peeps in person for the first time in a few months! Some of them I haven't seen since September. My whole MTC district minus Sister Alvord was also reunited for the first time since the MTC. Dang it was such a good reunion. It was an amazing zone conference as well. We had so many good trainings, and the Spirit was so strong. We were all just so happy to be with each other again. 

We had exchanges with Jičín/Mladá  Boleslav this week. I always learn so much from exchanges. I've said it so many times before, but I get to serve with THE best people. 

We went to dinner at a member's house, and our friend who is getting baptised soon drove up from Brno to come. A recent convert was also there. You guys. It was incredible. Our friend had the biggest smile on his face all night, and it was just such a good night. I love just being surrounded by good people. It's one of the best things in life. 

Facebook finding is going well! We have 2 new investigators this week from Facebook. God is so good. As you put in the effort and show Him that you're willing to work, He blesses you. We also got a referral this week. It said that the lady requested a Book of Mormon. We took the metro for 45 minutes to bring it to her, rung the zvonek, and then she answered and goes "I don't want it. Thank you," and then she hung up. But hey! We got to go on a little walk and see another part of Prague so it was good. 

Today we just walked the streets of Prague and went to a ton of different shops. I live in the most beautiful city. Sometimes it hits me that I'm actually living here, and it blows my mind. Being a missionary is the best. 

Spiritual Thought:

At zone conference, President Gehring gave a training on being kind. It was dang good. I think we should all just be kind to each other. It would make the world such a happier place. Treat everyone kindly. Don't treat anyone like they're less than you. Just be kind, to yourself and to others. 

Whelp. Thanks for being the best! Love you all, and I miss you a ton. Have the best week! 

Sestra Lewis


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

"Facebook Finding is Sketch"


Why do the weeks keep going so fast? Time flies. 

So Facebook finding has been an adventure. We basically friend and message 50+ people every day. Some people are nice and have a conversation about faith with you. Some people shock you and ask YOU to meet up and talk about faith rather than the other way around. Some people try to mess with you and switch languages with every text they send. And then some people tell you to "stop bothering me" and then proceed to block you. So it's basically normal missionary work but online. Life's a party. 

We met up with this girl whose mom and sister are members, but for years she has refused to talk to the missionaries. Last transfer, Sister Draper got tight with her and they're friends now. We had a picnic with her in the park, and she's so cool. I love people like her. 

This member here in Prague invited us over to watch sacrament meeting with him and his girlfriend and 11 Filipino women. His girlfriend is Filipino, so a ton of her friends came over. They cooked us so much Filipino food. It was dang good. 

Highlight of the week: (get ready) Sister Johnson and I were comps again for a day! She came to Prague for exchanges, and we just got to do missionary work together all day. I haven't really seen her since first transfer, so it was such a great reunion. I miss her. Now if we could just convince President and Heavenly Father to let us be comps again. 

Spiritual Thought:

I was watching the new Book of Mormon video where Alma and Amulek are preaching, and something stuck out to me. Alma was very bold and a leader when he taught. When Amulek taught, he was more reserved and quiet, but still bold. They had different teaching styles, but they were both needed. They were both effective. They both fulfilled their mission. 

We all have different missions. We all have different roles and gifts and purposes. But that doesn't make your role any less important than the person next to you. We all make a difference. We all are needed. 

Love you all! I love this gospel. I love being a missionary. 

Sestra Lewis

"Welcome Home!"