Tuesday, November 19, 2019

"That's it. I'm Moving To Moravské Bránice"


This week was one of the longest and most exhausting weeks I've had in a long time. I feel like last a-day was 3 weeks ago. But it was a good week, so on to the random stuff that happened. 

On Wednesday we had Zone Conference. Tuesday night the sisters from UH came and spent the night with us. We woke up at 4am and took a train to Bratislava in Slovakia. This conference was the mission tour, so Elder Kopischke from the Europe Mission Area Presidency was her with his wife. He gave a super good training about different ways we can find more effectively. The training was 6 hours, so super long but way good. It ended at 5pm, and then we started exchanges with the STLs. So I took a train back to the Czech Republic with Sis. Curtis. We got back between 8:30 and 9pm. It was an exhausting day. Still haven't quite recovered from that one. 

The next day we had exchanges. It's kind of weird doing exchanges with a trio. We still haven't really figured out how to do it yet, so the exchange was a little all over the place, but it was good. The elders were doing an exchange too, so there were 9 missionaries in Brno for the day. Definitely got some weird looks while walking around haha.  I got to hang out with Sister Curtis for a little bit again so that was chill.

Remember that Facebook fight I started? Well we actually got some cool opportunities from it. A dude texted us and asked us if we could help him out. He lives in a little town about 30 minutes outside of Brno called Moravské Bránice. Holy cow that place is so insanely gorgeous. It was unreal. I'm still so obsessed with it. Our district decided we're all gonna move back there together and live on the same street and drive tractors around the town together. I'm stoked haha. The dude was actually way chill. He was super nice and made us a really good lunch. After the service, we played a board game with him and then he took us on a walk near the river and around the lake. It was way cool. Halfway through the walk he may or may not have started smoking something that definitely wasn't tobacco. He was wearing socks with pot leaves on them, so I'll let you decide what he was smoking haha. He was a way chill dude, and we're hoping he stays in contact. He gave us other ideas for organizations we can provide service for, and it turns out he used to work with one of the members in our ward. Small world. Man I love doing service. 

We got a new handbook! Goodbye White Handbook, Hello Turquoise Jesus Book. I'm really excited for it. It's based a lot more on principles rather than set rules, and a lot of it puts responsibility on the missionary to be guided by the Spirit. I'm excited to start applying it and see where it takes us and how it helps us. 

On Saturday we went to an ice hockey game. One of our investigators plays professional ice hockey for a youth/young adult team and he had a game in Brno, so we went to support him. It was way sick. That game got intense haha. If you ever get a chance to watch a Czech Ice Hockey game I highly recommend it. Czechs love that game haha. 

For Pday we went to a little town on the border of Austria called Mikulov. We walked around and then went on a hike to a huge hill overlooking the city. It was gorgeous. I'm obsessed with little Czech towns. It's so insane that places like this exist. I'm so blessed to be able to serve here!
Spiritual Thought:
I realized this week how much we take the Book of Mormon for granted. This book was literally written for our day. At zone conference, President Gehring was talking about likening the scriptures to ourselves. He mentioned that Heavenly Father specifically told Mormon which plates and chapters and stories to include in the Book of Mormon. The stories that we have in the Book of Mormon are in there for a reason. They were specifically put in there for our day. We all can be more appreciative of the Book of Mormon and the truths that are revealed there. I'm grateful for the restored Gospel and that we have the Book of Mormon to help give us strength and power in our day. 

I hope you all have the best week! Thanks for all the prayers and support!

Sestra Lewis 

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