Monday, December 9, 2019

"I'm A Trash Hero. No Big Deal"


We had exchanges this week, so on Wednesday we took a quick 8 hour train ride to Košice all the way on the other side of Slovakia. We met some cool people on the train, and the view was gorgeous, so it's all good. We passed by the Tatry, which are a mountain range in Slovakia, and they were so pretty. I probably just stared out the window for a solid 2 hours on the train ride back haha (don't worry, I studied for the rest of it). We also got weekly planning done on the train, which was way nice. The exchange was chill. Košice is gorgeous. Even though I hate the snow, it was so so pretty. Exchanges are a little whack with a trio, and it took a lot of switching around the whole day, but we got everything done that we needed to, and the timing worked out for everything. I was pretty impressed. 

When we got back from Košice, we went bowling with the elders and their investigator. Newsflash: I suck at bowling. Shocker. It was fun though. We went to dinner after and got to know the elder's investigator. He's golden. We're so stoked to see how he progresses. After dinner he gave us candy for St. Mikuláš Day. On December 6, everyone gathers for St. Mikuláš Day. There's someone that dresses up as St. Mikuláš, and he has some angels and some devils with him. The kids get up and perform a song or recite a poem in front of everyone. If they do good, they get candy. If they do bad, the devils shove them in a sack and take them away. So great hahaha. 

We participated in Trash Hero this week. There's this organization in the Czech Republic that sets up service projects where they go and pick up trash around the cities. We went and picked up a ton of trash by an abandoned tram track next to a river. We found some sketchyy stuff. There's definitely a lot of homeless people and a lot of drug addicts that hang out there. But hey...worth it cause now I'm a trash hero. 

Last night we went to dinner at a member's house, and it was the best. Their house is gorgeous, and they had it all decorated with Christmas lights inside. We had Guláš, which is a Czech meal (so freaking good), made cukroví together, and then watched the new "The Christ Child" short film. Such a great night. I'm obsessed with the members in this mission. 

Spiritual Thought:

If you haven't gone and watched "The Christ Child" yet, go do it! It's so dang good! Every time I watch it, it always amazes me how humble the circumstances were surrounding Christ's birth. He was a king, yet he decided to come to earth as a baby. What also stands out to me is the fact that both shepherds and wisemen were called on to visit him. Two different groups who grew up in completely different circumstances. It just shows that Christ really is an individual Savior. He is there for everyone. He doesn't care about where you are in life. He just wants you to reach out to Him. I'm so grateful for the opportunity that we have to reflect on the Savior and His birth this Christmas season. 

I miss you all! I hope you have the best week! Maybe after you watch "The Christ Child" you can watch "Sky High" for me, because I've been quoting that movie all week haha. Thanks for all the love and support!

Sestra Lewis

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