Monday, March 9, 2020

"Vylet or Family Bonding Time?"

Ahoj, Fešaci!

This week was kinda of a blur. I feel like the stuff we did at the beginning of the week happened 2 weeks ago. It was a good one though!

All of the members went on a temple trip for a few days this week, so we got to spend a lot of time figuring out how to find new people to teach, and we got to focus our time on finding new peeps. It was really needed. Also, it's always so cool to see how excited the members get to go to the temple. The closest temple is in Germany, and it's about a 5 hour drive from UH. They were there for 3 days, and it was all they could talk about for the past few weeks. Then when they got back they were all so happy and filled with so much love for the temple. I loved it. Also we got German candy from them, so that's another plus haha. 

We went to the Raj again (my favorite place in the Czech Republic)! We started digging the holes for the member's orchard. Man, I love that place. We were super wrecked and sore afterwards, but that didn't stop us from teaching an impromptu lesson that night. We don't get solid lessons very often, so we decided to go for it. It ended up being a really cool lesson. "Some of the most rewarding times of our lives are those “extra mile” hours given in service when the body says it wants to relax, but our better self emerges and says, “Here am I; send me.”

So we've been really focusing on finding new friends to teach. We've been working with the members more and just trying to talk to more people every day. I feel like we haven't had much success, and it's been hard. You start thinking if maybe the problem is that there's something that you're doing or not doing that is getting in the way. Or maybe you aren't working hard enough. It's frustrating doing your best and not seeing results. It's been a little rough, but this week I definitely saw God's hand. He just let us know that our efforts aren't wasted. There were a few times this week when opportunities to find new people kept popping up. At English we had 2 new people show up, and now we're meeting with them this next week. We went to a cafe this week, and a dude stopped us and was talking to us and asked if we could do a presentation on America at the cafe in the future. There were 2 other people that we were able to set up with as well. I don't know if any of these people will turn into actual progressing investigators, but it definitely shows me that our hard work is paying off. There are people prepared here to hear this message, and as long as we're trying our hardest, Heavenly Father will lead us to them. 

It's just been really cool this week to see how much God's hand is in this work. He's leading us. It's His work. He's willing to show us miracles, we just have to want them and ask for them and look for them. He keeps His promises, and He's got our backs. And when we put in our best efforts, and it still doesn't seem like enough, He's there to make it enough. 

For pday we went to Trenčín Castle in Slovakia with the district. I love my district. They're all just so down to do anything. Výlets with them feel like family trips haha. I kept having moments where it hit me that I get to live in these countries. It's insane. Still feels surreal to me sometimes. I'm so grateful for the experiences I'm having. 

Spiritual thought:

I just want to testify of the power of the Book of Mormon. I know that as we read it with real intent (the real intent is the key part), then there's a power that flows into our lives. I don't know how it works, but it does. Parts of our lives that don't seem in any way connected to the gospel or the Book of Mormon start falling into place. It's incredible. I love that book. 

Alright thanks for hanging in there and reading the whole email. If you actually read this far then I'm proud if you, and I'll make you brownies some day as a reward haha. Thanks for all the support! Have a killer week! 

Sestra Lewis 

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