Monday, March 2, 2020

"Have Fun Storming the Castle"

It was a pretty good week. Life is good.

We teach English in Kroměříž, a city near UH, for some of a member's students. On Tuesday, only 2 of the students showed up. But it was the 2 students that have shown interest in the gospel. So the member, being the great missionary that he is, turned the whole lesson into a gospel lesson. It was so cool. After that one of the students sung for us, and it was so dang good. That kid is going places. We sang "Come Thou Fount" together, and it definitely brought the Spirit. 

I saw my first wild hedgehog the other day. I've been wanting to see one my whole mission. Fun fact: they like peanuts. A member walked by as we were giving it peanuts, and she started making fun of us for feeding a hedgehog peanuts in the dark at 8pm haha. She loved it though. 

We went to the Raj again! They cut down the last tree. Kinda sad, but also exciting for the member. His orchard is slowly making progress. I freaking love that place. The member was laughing at me cause I love the Czech Republic so much. He told me "I think you like it here." I mean...he's not wrong haha. 

We had zone conference! I love getting together with the zone. This time it was in Trenčín in Slovakia, so I got to see another city in Slovakia. I love how much of the mission I've seen. There were a ton of good trainings at conference. President has been really getting us to focus on setting solid goals and actually keeping them, and it's been really cool. I'm excited to see the success that everyone has with it. 

We create a member plan a few weeks ago, and we started doing it with some members this week. The goal is for them to give us the name of someone we can either start teaching or that they can introduce to the church. We did it with one member and within a week he gave us 4 names of potential people. The members here are so dang cool. 

For pday we went to Buchlov castle with the district. We can see the castle from our apartment, so it was pretty cool to actually get to go to it. We had another picnic at the base of the castle and then we played some frisbee and volleyball. I love this country. I love my district. I love my area. I love my calling. Life is so good. 

Spiritual Thought:

So I've been studying the restoration from heaven's point of view this week. I was looking at the phrase "Hear Him" and was wondering why Heavenly Father would choose to say "hear." "Listen" is more of a command word. Your basically telling the person to hear what you have to say and obey. But with "hear," the person hearing the words has the freedom to choose whether or not they obey. In that moment, when Heavenly Father was restoring His gospel on the earth after years and years of it not being on the earth, He respected Joseph's agency. Joseph had the choice whether or not He would listen to what Christ told him. I think that's pretty cool. It shows how much Heavenly Father respects and honors agency. Even in pivotal moments in history, he still doesn't take away agency. I love that. 

Whelp I don't know about you, but I'm ready to have a great week. It's gonna be a good one. Thanks for all the love and support! Love you all!

Sestra Lewis


1 comment:

  1. I love your spiritual thought. I hadn't thought of it that way. Fun picture of the hedgehog.


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