Tuesday, December 22, 2020

"Bitter Sweet Goodbyes"


It was a super busy week. A lot of bitter sweet moments. 

Wednesday we had our Christmas zone conference. Basically they just show a slideshow of the year and they so a talent show. It was fun. And it was in person so that was such a blessing. Also...it was my last one. I'm so glad I got to see everyone in person one last time. It was rough saying goodbye to everyone though. That's definitely gonna be the hardest part about leaving. 

After zone conference we spent the night with the senior couples cause Ausen had visa work the next day. We made root beer, popcorn, and played Ticket to Ride. I highly recommend spending the night with senior couples. It's the best. 

After we got back from Prague we had a devotional with Brad Wilcox over zoom. It was for a ton of members in the Czech Republic/Slovakia and some surrounding countries. It was super good. 

One of my old MTC teachers had a language call with us and some other sisters. It was so weird talking to him again and actually being able to understand what he was saying haha. 

Saturday we went BACK to Prague for a baptism. The elders in our district baptized one of their investigators, and we got to go help with it. Then we got lunch with the office elders, and it made me realize how much I'm gonna miss the missionaries here. 

Today we went to a castle called Orlík nad Vltavou. It was pretty cool. It was surrounded by the river and it was in this TINY town. Any time with the district is a good time. 

I'm stoked for this next week. It's gonna be so busy, but so much fun.

Spiritual Thought:

We were talking with our friend that isn't Catholic, but knows SO much about the Catholic church. He said something that gave me a really cool insight into the Sacrament. He talked about how in ancient times when you sacrificed something it wasn't complete until you partook of the sacrifice. It's the same with the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The sacrament isn't complete until you accept the sacrifice and use it. Taking the sacrament is "partaking od the sacrifice." It's showing that you accept the sacrifice and are going to use it. Not 100% sure how accurate that is, but it helped me think of the Sacrament in a different way. 

Have a great week! Don't miss me too much. Have a fantastic Christmas! Love you guys! 

Sestra Lewis

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